You may of seen the article we loved about the best fruits for your body earlier this week. So with a bit of research it is time to unleash the Top 5 Veggies! Oh yes, with winter approaching rapidly we could do with some great veggies in our dinners. Here are my top 5 to set you on your way.
1. Broccoli!
I absolutely love broccoli, if you are cooking for a family this is a good vegetable to put with your dinner as it is cost effective and most children like it (TIP- tell your child they are little trees, works every time for me!) Now for the health facts, broccoli is known for it's prevention against cancer, the vegetable is also known for helping those suffering with heart problems or stroke. Boil them lightly to leave in all there nutrients. Easy Peasy!
2. Cabbage
This always reminds me of my Mother's Sunday dinner's, she loved cabbage and I guess I know why now! Cabbage has so many great health factors. My Mom loves to look younger and cabbage is great for the skin and eyes as it contains lots of Vitamin A (trust me it works). That's not it, if looking to improve on your muscle development, eat up, the vegetable contains iodine, just what you need! There's more, cabbage fights against free radicals, helps against colon, lung and prostate cancer. WOW!
3. Bean Sprouts
Get adding bean sprouts to your stir-fry it is a fast and easy meal to make with health benefits, bean sprouts contain loadsss of Vitamin C, In addition they also contain vitamins A, B and E as well as calcium, iron, and potassium. YUM YUM!
4. Spinach
It now makes sense why Popeye loved it so much, the veggie contains caroteniod thats helps against cancer as well as being loaded with Vitamin A and C, perfect for your eyesight and beautiful skin. High blood pressure? Yes, it helps. The reason Popeye loved it was of course for his muscles, spinach strengthens the muscles good for helping those with anaemia.
5. Lettuce
Last but not least, it's a salad option. Romaine lettuce is the most nutrient packed lettuce of the variety's, loaded with Vitamin A, B and C, folic acid, manganese (vital for brain and nerve health) , chromium and iron.
Richard Taylor Personal Training Club
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