We all occasionally have craving for 'bad' foods, whether it is cake, chocolate or pizza, sometimes you just can't say no!
So what is it that really sets our cravings off?
Have a look down my list of 'mistakes' and see if it relates to the reason you can't keep away from those naughty little treats.
If you have read my previous blogs you will see how I go on about it being 'The Most Important Meal Of The Day' and it is! by trying to save calories in the morning it is just setting you up for a sugary craving as soon as you get hungry. Protein has been proved to release less of these naughty endorphin's that set off the craving. So think protein protein protein!
My friends always laugh at me when I say let's share dessert, but it does the tick. By sharing your craving with someone else, it will hit the spot with your brain and half the calories. If someone else eats the other half you just can't go back, once it's gone it's gone! (unless your silly and get another)
You want sugar? Find some fruit.
You want crisps? Have some nuts (not your salted packets from the bar please).
You must have crisps!!! Just have a few, eat them slowly and savour the taste, if you know nothing else will do, do not eat around it because you will probably eat more!
Try not to feel guilty by eating that MASSIVE bit of cake at Uncle Bob's birthday yesterday, just now associate cake with celebration. You then know, no cake unless it is a celebration. This will hopefully stop you having those cheeky coffee and a cake deals down the local cafe.
Do not keep your biscuits stocked up for guests, you will eat them! If you are craving a biscuit at 9pm on a Monday night and they are in the cupboard, that's a quick 60 calories in the body. 9pm strikes its Monday night, biscuit time! None in? Do you really want to go the shop? NO, Problem solved!
When dieting try not to eliminate all the food you love, just have them occasionally and in small amounts. By going cold turkey and eliminating all foods you like, you are just making the brain want them more! Making your willpower work on overdrive, causing you to binge!
Richard Taylor Personal Training Club
"Changing your lifestyle to incorporate exercise and proper nutrition is not easy. But it is definitely a journey with endless rewards that are well worth achieving.