
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Sneaking to the sun

A few of you lucky people are getting to sneak off to the sun this Christmas, but with all the pre-Christmas parties, presents and then those holiday treats your body is going to feel the effects. 

There is plenty of wasted time on holidays so why not fill the gaps with a little workout? I am not suggesting using the hotel gym, but simply doing movements to keep you active while enjoying your holiday as usual.

Lets start with the easy ones.

Try picking a hotel with a pool, swimming is a great form of exercise and with it right in front of you there are no excuses. If you are not a fan of swimming try doing 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes either mid day or in the evening, this breaks up the time for you. Each day set yourself a time and try do more lengths in the time given each day. 

There can be many places to walk on holiday so pack your trainers or comfortable shoes, so you can either have a brisk walk or a jog. Just remember to take plenty of fluid as the weather will hotter than your normal UK conditions. Another great way to shred those calories is to walk or jog along the sand as you use nearly 50% more energy. 

Most hotels come with an animation team which provide classes like water aerobics and salsa. It is a great way to get the whole family involved and a really fun way to exercise. 

Some hotel even have tennis courts so why not grab a friend or member of your family and have a good game of tennis. You do not have to be Andy Murray, the worst you are the more running after the ball you have to do! 

On the beach.

So you have your towel down on the sand. Why not make use of the floor space and work on your core. Most core exercises do not need gym equipment so get going, do your crunches, planks, heel touches, leg raises and many more. 

Do you enjoy jumping the waves? Ever realised how much energy it uses up? Exactly! Get jumping as long as it is perfectly safe to do so. 

As your holiday is for relaxing why not release the tension by doing lots of stretches. Embrace the scenery of the sea, take a deep breath and have a good stretch. 

Go for a little paddle, running through water acts as great resistance!It will do wonders for your body. 

Have you gone away with your children or siblings, get involved and play! Dig a whole or make a big sandcastle. This will be great for toning your arms as it is a never ending cycle as your digging the sand will fall in, the more you dig the more you burn those calories and tone. 

Use what is around.

Many resorts have outdoor gym equipment staring right at the sea. Have a go and take in the view, you will not want to be rushing anywhere fast. 

So there are many walls around why not stop and do a few tricep dips, press-ups or wall sits nothing is stopping you!

Hope this has given you a few ideas! Have a great holiday or save my tips for your next break away.

Richard Taylor Personal Training Club

"Changing your lifestyle to incorporate exercise and proper nutrition is not easy. But it is defiantly a journey with endless rewards that are well worth achieving!"