How do you feel about running without music? Is it hard?
Here at Richard Taylor Personal Training Club we have looked
into if music really is a necessity.
Recent studies show that well over half of runners will not
take one step without their headphones firmly in place. Then the other
percentages of people like to take in their surrounding and use nature as
Due to conflict between the two views, is motivation of
music classed as ‘cheating’ many major competitions have banned the use of
portable music devises from this. Previously in the twin cities marathon 144
people were disqualified.
I have looked into a debate between headphone lovers and
haters, where I found some interesting points between the two.
The main response I got from the ‘Lovers’ was to distract
you from the amount of effort you are putting in. Research shows that your
perceptions can be lowered by 10% which can then reduce the thoughts of
Music is known to be a mood-lifter giving the person running
a positive mind frame leading to motivation. The music will also work as a
distraction to relieve boredom for as long as possible making the runner enjoy
what they are doing having an all round holistic experience.
The study shows that the best time to use music is on ‘easy’
run days when the activity level is low- moderate, but can also be used on
higher intensity for working alongside the beat to match strides etc.
The ‘Haters’ go more towards the performance side, leading
with how music will mute the sound of your breathing and foot strike so you
will not be able to hear your effort levels and take feedback from it.
A big worry to this particular individual is how it can make
you unsafe in your environment, for example not hearing car or instructions; it
reduces your awareness which will also increase your reaction time.
A lot of runners have now become dependent on music which
may take away the natural enjoyment of running. In our media today it has
become clear that we do not have a lot of calm and peace, and running can cut
you off from a busy lifestyle but with music it will prevent you getting away
in to a calm state,. Commonly people always are multitasking and running with
music is another multitasking moment.
So here are the views now what will you choose next? The
decision is yours!
Richard Taylor Personal Training Club