Not feeling happy with you stomach? Have a read of my hints and tips to help flatten your stomach, and see if you feel slimmer and less bloated after trying a them out.
We can believe we are retaining water in are tummy's, but normally it is a cause of gas build up. Retained water will normally start by swelling in our feet and ankles, so be careful you do not get confused between the two. My hints and tips will be focusing on those of us who feel bloated.
1. Don't eat to fast
Eating to fast can lead us to swallow air, by taking in extra air we will fill our stomachs with it, leading us to bloat.
Each meal should take around 30 minutes to eat, the digestive process starts with the mechanical break down of food in our mouth, if you chew your food correctly you will help the following digestive process' to happen more productively.
2. Say no to fizzy drinks!
Fizz fizz fizz, just say no. Carbonated drinks cause increases in the amount of gas in your stomach, causing a bloat, try peppermint tea to reduce it back down.
Even diet drinks cause bloating, artificial sweeteners in food and drink can be a main source of bloating.
3. Avoid constipation
Try to add fibre, fluids and exercise into your diet to avoid constipation. Veggies, fruit, whole-grains, water and 30 minutes of physical activity should do the trick!
4. Watch out for beans and gassy veg!
Beans, broccoli, cauliflower and sprouts can cause a gassy feeling if you are not a regular user of them, introduce these slowly into your diet if you have not eaten them for a while. The vegetables are full of nutritional value so do not eliminate them from your diet.
5. Little and often
I suggest 5 - 6 small meals a day, watch out for your calorie intake when changing your diet to suit this, by eating smaller meals it will help your digestive system, control your blood sugar and hunger.
Richard Taylor Personal Training Club
"Changing your lifestyle to incorporate exercise and proper nutrition is not easy. But it is definitely a journey with endless rewards that are well worth achieving"