
Monday, 1 December 2014

Party Season Top Tips

You have lots of invitations for meals out over the next few weeks and we all know what's on your plate will not be good for your waist line. When going to restaurants you may be unsure of what the food really contains, the calories, the fat and the portion sizes. All those meals will do nothing for your goals, so follow my tips, they may just save you those calories you really need to save this Christmas.

1. Try not to be hungry before you go, this is a bad start for choosing wisely, by being hungry your will crave more carbohydrate or fatty based meals.

2. Starters are a great way to stop you rushing your main course and not digesting your food properly, but be careful! Starters can be small in size but contain extra hidden calories you do not want to be eating. Try ordering soup, not creamy but a vegetable based option instead. If you are not too hungry beforehand skip the starter and go straight for the main.

3. Top things to avoid!
- Anything fried
- Dressings, butter and cream etc. (ask for them on the side so you know how much you are going to eat)
- Look for the vegetables, dishes with vegetables will fill you up more. Swap the chips for salad or vegetables instead.
- You can always ask to change the style of cooking, if the meat is fried why not ask them to grill it. (No harm in asking)

4. Buffets
Keep an eye on how much you are consuming, buffets are never ending so eat till you feel full not until you have your money's worth. Pick your starter, main and dessert and just have that. Do not go up more than three times.

5. Chew your food! Eat slowly, with plenty breaks so you can digest your food better.

6. Choose water instead of alcoholic or fizzy drinks. Drink a glass of water before your meal to make you feel fuller and help to improve digestion.

7. Choose your restaurants carefully, try not to pick the 'all-you-can-eat' places and go for a restaurant with a varied menu or that is fish or salad based. Look at the menu before you go, you can see what will be the best option for you. Get your mind set on the dish you will be eating to acquire a taste for it.

8. Try not to eat all the freebies at the start. The basket of white rolls will not be a good option to start your meal with, so try your best to resist.

9. Once the food arrives, eat your lowest calorie items first. Eat the vegetables, then the meat followed by the carbohydrates last, you do not need to eat everything on your plate so do not worry about leaving most the carbs, it will save you lots of calories.

10. Dessert
Think wisely, you may not need it! But if you still fancy something sweet, why not share? If sharing isn't an option try avoid the chocolate fudge and see if there is a sorbet, frozen yogurt or meringue option.

Hope this will help you through the party season, have fun and stay fit!

If you feel you have over indulged this party season or would like a kick start the new year, why not join us on our fitness retreat.

Richard Taylor Personal Training Club

"Changing your lifestyle to incorporate exercise and proper nutrition is not easy. But it is definitely a journey with endless rewards that are well worth achieving!"