
Monday, 10 February 2014

The Sugar Trap

Here is the sixth part of an article I found in the Sunday Times

How to calculate sugar consumption

Most health organisations recommend that people limit themselves to 10tsp (40g) of added sugar a day, but many researchers say it should be 6tsp for woman and 8tsp for men. Teaspoons are easier to visualise than grams, so remember this easy equation: to get the number of teaspoons, divide the number of grams by 4. So, a regular Snickers bar contains 30g or about 7tsp of sugar, a 330ml can of Coke has 35g or 9tsp of sugar. We shouldn't eat or drink manufactured sugar bombs full stop. Any food with sugar in the first three ingredients is a bad idea. Avoid foods with more than 10g sugar per portion.

keep an eye out for the next part of the article!

Richard Taylor Personal Training Club

"Changing your lifestyle to incorporate exercise and proper nutrition is not easy. But it is defiantly a journey with endless rewards that are well worth achieving!