1. Apples
This 'super-food' is so easy to find, and has so many great factors. If you are looking for weight loss apples have an ingredient called pectin which is from the soluble fibre in the fruit. The pectin stops your blood sugar from dropping which leaves you with less cravings.
Apples also contain quercetin an antioxidant which may help to prevent your risk of lung cancer. Apples are known for helping against cardiovascular disease, respiratory health, diabetes and many others.
2. Kelp
Kelp is full of Vitamin K, calcium and alginate fibre, there are studies showing it may be the next breast cancer fighter, but studies are to early to say for certain. Kelp is a natural fat fighter so perfect for dieters.
Now, are you wondering where you are going to find this mysterious kelp? That's simple it is seaweed. Get eating!
3. Bananas
Another easy one to get a hold of, the banana as we all know is full of potassium, but what is potassium good for? If your diet does not contain enough potassium you are putting yourself at risk of high blood pressure, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
Bananas are loaded with several kinds of fibre including resistant starch which helps you to slim down. Bananas give you a great boost of energy especially when going for a big workout. Nutrients in bananas can also give you good mood boosts and better your nights sleep.
4. Salmon
Salmon is full of Omega 3, in just 3oz of salmon you with receive your daily amount, how simple! Doctors recommend we eat two portions of fish a week this will reduce our risk of heart disease. They may also protect against depression, dementia and arthritis.
Eggs contain around 6 grams of protein and contain only 72 calories. A great choice for a low calorie breakfast! Eggs are also very low in saturated fat, and high in a range of vitamins. For people who struggling to get enough iron or suffer with anaemia eggs have plenty of iron in the small size that they are.
Richard Taylor Personal Training Club