We have now returned from The Billesley Manor Hotel in Stratford-Upon-Avon after an invigorating weekend of exercise and nutritional education. The Retreaters have learned a lot about improving their diets and how they can make a change in their lifestyle for the better. The team took part in lots of activities over the weekend such as Zumba, an old fashioned sports day and circuit training. Everyone now feels ready to achieve their goals! Together with some sweaty gym sessions the Retreaters have been boxing and having a great time on the grounds, even in the snow!! There was plenty of healthy food to go around, the team enjoyed yummy chicken and fresh fish with no shortage of fruit, vegetables and a wide range of herbal teas, they even sampled Richard Taylor’s healthy juicing, he showed them combinations such as apple and ginger which are simple to make at home.
"Very friendly and helpful attitude, book me in for the next one!" Rob
"FAB trainers, FAB surroundings, FAB participants, FAB food! Really enjoyable weekend!" Sarah
"It has really got me motivated to do my exercise regular again!" Christine
We had some great weight losses over the weekend to! Our best loss was 7LB!!! That's half a stone! Well done Paul :)
A big well done to everyone who joined us, and thank you very much for being superb company and giving it your all!
"Changing your lifestyle to incorporate exercise and proper nutrition is not easy. But it is definitely a journey with endless rewards that are well worth achieving!